
Strategic Planning and Development Committee decision

12 May 2022

PD/5.4/22.05 Bicycle Ridership Survey Engagement (A11/0612) MOTION / UNANIMOUS DECISION Mover: Cr Murray Seconder: Cr Fabiano

That Council:

  1. Notes the community responses received from the Bicycle Ridership Engagement Survey and Minutes of Strategic Planning and Development Committee Meeting 3 May 2022 This is page 7 of the Minutes of the Strategic Planning and Development Committee Meeting held on 3 May 2022 particularly the strong community concern about the safety of riding a bicycle in Waverley and the absence of safe bicycle lanes.
  2. Conducts community workshops to discuss and investigate potential separated bicycle routes that will inform the development of a revised Waverley Bike Plan.

Crs Betts and Goltsman were not present for the vote on this item.