Project completed.

Project updates
Over one million people use the Coastal Walk from Bronte to Bondi every year. There is a portion of the walk at Calga Place, commonly known as Bronte Cutting.
The popularity and the flow of traffic through this narrow section of road has given rise to safety concerns for those using it.
Consultation round one
Bronte Cutting Pre 2018 Pilot Footpath
Since 2018, Council has been trialing a pilot footpath to end the conflict between vehicles and pedestrians who were forced to walk along the road.
Bronte Cutting Pilot Footpath
Council engaged a consultant to complete feasibility studies on different options and the impact on heritage, environment, costs, maintenance, existing infrastructure and parking. From these results and in consultation with stakeholders, Waverley Council is finalising plans to extend the existing footpath all the way from the park entrance at Calga Place, through the Cutting and up to Macpherson Street.
Consultation two - Concept design
The connected, separated footpath was chosen as the best option for safe pedestrian and vehicle movement and has the lowest impact on the environment, heritage features and parking.
Currently, there is no lighting along Calga Place, reducing the experience of the coastal walkway for pedestrians. An objective of this project is to provide lighting to improve safety and will only be used in the late afternoon to evening create a safer environment. The lights will be sympathetic to the environment and the effect on residents will continue to be considered throughout detailed design. For more information please read the Bronte Cutting proposed lighting fact sheet.
Bronte Surf Life Saving Club has provided a parking spot to allow for the widening of the path, the remainder of this space will be turned into additional motorcycle parking which was removed during the Bronte Beach Village Upgrade. The suggested option has no change to the existing amount of publicly useable car parking spaces.
Overall included in the works:
- upgrade existing footpath
- pilot path made into a permanent footpath
- extended footpath to Macpherson Street
- Bronte Surf Life Saving Club parking spot turned into motorcycle parking to create space for widened path – as agreed by the Club.