Bronte Plan of Management
29 November 2018

In developing the Plan of Management (PoM), we undertook a range of consultation activities to gain community feedback and suggestions for the future management of Bronte Park and Beach. These activities took place in July and August 2016, and April and May 2017. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and comment throughout this process.
You can view a summary of the consultation findings from over 250 community members in the User Survey Summary Report and Bronte PoM Community Consultation Report. In addition, multiple technical studies of the site were carried out focusing on universal access, physical site features, and user survey. The feedback from this consultation has informed the direction of the Final Plan of Management for Bronte Park and Beach, which was formally adopted by Council in July 2017.
What is a Plan of Management and Master Plan?
The Plan of Management is a ten year strategy created through public consultation and research to identify the future use of the site and management of the varied and changing needs of the area.
In conjunction with the Plan of Management, a comprehensive long term plan illustrating the design direction for the site (a Master Plan) has been developed. Together the Plan of Management and the Master Plan will provide strategic and operational direction for the design and management of the park over the coming decade.
What is in the Plan of Management?
The Plan of Management provides an overview of the park and beach, analysis of existing conditions, and vision and directions guided by the culmination of multiple stages of community feedback, site specific studies, and industry best practice.
The vision and direction distils down to specific action and themes, a summary of these are outlined below.
Design and Setting
People love the open nature of the park and beach and the relaxing atmosphere. In order to maintain the setting and character of Bronte, the plan proposes to:
- Maintain the natural and casual feel
- Reinforce the variety of different landscape characters across Bronte Gully, park, beach and headlands in future design and planning
- Ensure the landscape and architectural design reflects best practice and design excellence and integrates within the landscape
- Provide a memorable experience for all users by celebrating the sites unique character and scenic qualities
- Ensure materials and finishes are of a high quality, are robust and designed to befit the setting
- Reinforce the sense of arrival to the site
Getting to and around the park
Many people loved that the park and beach was close and convenient to get to, however some issues were identified as to how accessible some areas and facilities in the park are. Key suggested improvements consider:
- Provide easily identified, distinct arrival points into the park and designated pedestrian pathways that allow safe and continuous movement
- Provide a hierarchy of pathway networks that link to destination points and facilities
- Implement a wayfinding strategy for the park. Consider an audience of a range of abilities, literacy levels and languages. Encompass the physical environment, signage, customer service, information, brochures, guides and website
- Provide an adequate proportion and distribution of universally accessible facilities connected by accissible paths of travel
- Provide a universally accessible beach access point and improve the safety and amenity of the existing stairs to the beach and Bronte Baths
Playing and Relaxing
The park and beach sees a variety of passive recreation uses including use by many community organisations, the plan proposes to continue to support current uses by:
- Providing adaptable and flexible spaces to accommodate a variety of interest groups
- Provide high-quality amenities and facilities that support Bronte's recreational values and uses
- Prioritise activities that are intrinsic to the place, its cultural values and that draw value from being in a beachside location.
Enhancing the Environment
People love the natural setting, unspoiled beaches and underdeveloped feel. People also appreciated the environment in the gully and work done to maintain this. The plan proposes to:
- Enhance and conserve the natural heritage of the site such as vegetation, land form and hydrology
- Monitor and adapt to the effects of climate change
- Promote environmentally sustainable practices in the management and maintenance of the place
- Consider whole of life-cycle cost in the selection of materials and construction techniques
- Educate the community about the value of the sites unique environment
Community, Culture and Heritage
People like the sense of community, local feel and ambiance of Bronte. To maintain the sense of community, culture and heritage the plan proposes to:
- Interpret and tell the story of the place, including the Aboriginal themes and storylines
- Strengthen and express the cultural values of the site through supporting community groups and activities
- Ensure the cultural landscape is expressed in the design and management of the site
- Conserve and maintain the heritage fabric of the park
Management and Maintenance
Visitors are generally satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of the beach and park. In continuing to improve management and maintenance of Bronte, the plan proposes to:
- Ensure that the park and beach environments are safer for users at all times
- Ensure facilities are well maintained and appropriately services
- Review and reinforce compliance and regulations that enable a range of users to enjoy the park and beach safely
- Manage vehicle access in the park