
Council meeting resolution

25 February 2021

Councillors endorsed the recommendations in the consultation report at the 21 February Council meeting.

The motion was endorsed as Council:

  1. Receives and notes the summary of community feedback
  2. Endorses the recommended changes to the concept design proposal set out in the report, including:
    1. Investigating options and the design of existing speed bumps to allow a gap to improve cyclist accessibility along Calga Place.
    2. Undertaking tube counts to monitor speed along Calga Place to determine if additional traffic calming treatments are required to slow traffic.
    3. Investigating and determining whether a pedestrian crossing at the steps from Bronte Road is warranted.
    4. Not proceeding with any lighting along Calga Place.

3. Proceeds to detailed design of the footpath, with a report to be considered by the Waverley Traffic Committee before proceeding to procurement for the construction phase.