Project updates
Although dogs are prohibited at Mackenzies Bay, for years it has been a popular location for locals to bring their off-leash dogs. As such, Council wanted to understand the community's perspective regarding a timed off-leash dog area at Mackenzies Bay and how this could work.
Aspects for consideration included:
- Safety of dogs, dog owners and general public
- Benefits of off-leash dog areas
- Potential impact of dogs on the local environment
- Map of existing and potential off-leash dog areas
- Supply of facilities such as paths, bins and dog bag dispensers in a front-line coastal area.
We wanted to know whether you would support a trial of timed off-leash dogs at Mackenzies Bay and if you have any particular ideas or concerns.
Your feedback was reported to Council to determine whether a timed off-leash dog trial should proceed at Mackenzies Bay.
Note that the trial would only apply to companion animals as assistance animals are allowed in all public spaces.
How we engaged the community:
- Online survey
- Written submissions via email and mail