Update: The below-listed documents were adopted by Council on 22 June 2021: Council report, including summary of submissions received (from page 57), and Council minutes (page 7).
The following documents are on public exhibition for community comment:

Council develops these documents annually, setting out the major activities planned for the next financial year and how we will fund them.

Key aspects

  • In 2021-22, it is proposed Council invest $59.9 million in our capital works program to renew, enhance, and upgrade our infrastructure assets, including the completion of the Bondi Pavilion upgrade

  • Council is forcasting a balanced budget, with a cash surplus of $22 million and positive operating results. Additionally, our Long Term Financial Plan projects a balanced budget over the next 10 years.

  • More information is available in our Document Library, including a summary in the Council report.

Have your say

Let us know your feedback on the draft documents by 23 May 2021 by:

Which document are you providing comment on? (select all that apply) Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.