
Consultation summary and outcomes

14 October 2019

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback on the proposed trial. Consultation on whether or not to implement the trial ran from 25 February—12 March 2019.

What you told us

  • You support interventions to improve safety for walking and cycling on Henrietta St
  • You are concerned about the impact of dividers on access to driveways and the width of the road
  • You are also concerned about the number of signs along the road.

What Council decided to do

In response to the feedback received, Council has decided to proceed with the trial with the following changes:

  • Restrict the installation of dividers to Henrietta Street North
  • Amend the placement of dividers to ensure they don’t obstruct driveways on either side of the Street
  • Review the placement of signage along the length of Henrietta Street to reduce duplication and improve clarity for all road users.


The community consultation results and revised project scope were reported to the Waverley Traffic Committing Meeting on 23 May 2019, which recommended that the trial be approved for Henrietta St North. The Traffic Committee recommendation was reported to the Waverley Council meeting on 18 June 2019 where it was approved.