
Detailed design from your community feedback

4 February 2020

Following two rounds of community consultation Council has endorsed a final design for the Notts Avenue Safety and Streetscape Upgrade.

98.3% of people were in support of our plans for Notts Ave. However, we have made some changes in response to the feedback received and through general design development which can also be seen in the final landscape concept plan.

Right hand turn:

The right hand turn in and out of Notts Ave has been reinstated.

Cantilevered lookout:

We have removed the second lookout on the south side of Notts Ave. To compensate, we have increased the size of the northern lookout and changed the shape from a point to a curve so people won’t have to queue to use the space. It will also provide improved access for pedestrians using the stairs north of Icebergs.


The new design has 19 car spots, including one compliant accessible space and motorbike parking area. Overall, the design results in a net loss of approximately nine car spaces. The loss of parking is a result of RMS technical direction stating in a shared zone, car spaces must be marked and there needs to be soft landscaping, including trees.

Loading zones:

The existing delivery spaces (2) have been maintained as part of the design, the signage will be changed to reflect approved times in the Plan of Management (6am-11am, currently 8am-1pm).


The design has been updated so the height of the trees will remain below the Icebergs building. Ongoing maintenance by Council will ensure the height of the trees do not impact on views following construction. There will be two Cabbage Tree Palms (Native) at the entry to Notts Ave and Coastal Banksia mid-block.

Drop off / pick up parking:

Several spaces have been left between garden beds along the front of Icebergs as informal drop-off zones. Formalising designated drop-off zones would have further reduce parking on Notts Avenue.


Works expected to start April – Spring 2020 (weather permitting).

These are the final results from two rounds of community consultation. If you would like to comment on the above or the project please do through our feedback form.