
Notts Avenue - round two consultation

10 July 2019

The second round of consultation has finished for Notts Avenue Safety and Streetscape Upgrade.

Overall, 98.3% were in support of Council’s plan to upgrade Notts Ave. Of the 120 people who completed the online survey:

  • 69.7% said they liked Council’s plan with no changes
  • 28.6% said they liked it but with some changes, including;
  • Remove parking altogether
  • Keep the right-hand turn
  • Keep all parking
  • Make Notts Ave a ‘No Access’ area for cars - residents and businesses only

1.7% of people said they did not like the plan.

Outside of the online survey Council held meetings with stakeholders who were supportive of Council’s plan.

The main concern raised was the recommendation to make Notts Ave a ‘no right hand turn’, and this issue will be tabled at an upcoming Council meeting for a decision.

Given the ‘no right hand turn’ decision does not affect the overall project, Council has decided to progress to the detailed design phase of the project.

To keep updated as the project progresses, please register via the 'Register for Updates' button on this page.

Click here to see full consultation report.