
Background information

29 April 2019


The Bronte Park and Beach Plan of Management (POM) 2017 captured the community's feedback and found that the upgrade of this area, particularly the amenity building is a priority.

Based on feedback detailed in the POM, the upgrade is required to include the following:

  • Accessible toilet and shower with baby change
  • Ambulant toilet and shower
  • Level access into the building
  • No second storey
  • Environmentally sustainable design
  • Resilient to storm inundation
  • Refurbished toilet, showers and change spaces, swim club rooms, maintenance space and outdoor seating area outside ground level and on top of the building.

Building users have also identified a need to design for:

  • No loss of community room space
  • The flow of members during race assembly and social gatherings
  • Two entrances to the community room space with the inclusion of an easy-to-use divider

You can view the POM in the document library to your right.