
Community consultation report

25 July 2022

The first of two consultation phases for Tamarama Park and Beach Plan of Management (PoM) was held between 10 May – 7 June 2022. Our goal was to understand user patterns, gauge community sentiment, gather general insights on the park and beach and test the proposed key ideas that were generated through research and analysis.

The objectives were to:

  • Understand how the park and beach are used, who frequents it and what they do there
  • Work with the community and key stakeholders to confirm the list of projects to include in the PoM
  • Clearly define the problems and opportunities within the park and beach so participants can understand and engage with the consultation process
  • Gather abundant feedback so that the Tamarama PoM is reflective of the community and can be endorsed by Council within the projected timeframe

There were 340 engagements during the consultation period spread across a range of communication channels. These included, a face-to-face Have Your Say Day at Tamarama Park, an online webinar, a meeting with Tamarama Gully residents, posters displayed on site, 5000+ flyers delivered to homes in the immediate area, an advert in The Beast, social media posts on Facebook and Instagram and enewsletters.

For the full details of the community engagement read the full consultation report.