Angled parking on Clyde Street:
Angle parking has been installed in the eastern section of Clyde Street following a decision in the Land & Environment Court in relation to a development at 140 Clyde Street.
Changing from parallel parking to angle parking resulted in four additional on-street parking spots and enabled the childcare centre to apply for 16 additional childcare places.
Why are we consulting now?
Council has received a petition requesting a return to the original parallel parking. As part of the petition, Council needs to ask residents of Clyde Street whether they support the angle parking or not.
Passing bays:
We are also seeking opinions on whether we should install passing bays in the narrow section of Clyde Street, east of Hardy Street. Passing bays are provided by installing “No Parking” restrictions at a number of locations so that drivers can pull over to let oncoming traffic pass.
Potential features of the angle parking:
In relation to the angle parking, there were two more features put to the court by the applicant but they were withdrawn. While we are surveying the residents of Clyde Street, we would like to know your opinion on these features if the angle parking is retained. They are:
- That four of the angle parking spaces outside the childcare centre would have 10 minute parking restrictions between 7.00 am and 9.30 am and between 3.00 pm and 6.00 pm.
- That the angle parking spaces be line marked as bays. This would mean a car would have to be parked fully within the bay and if a motor bike parked within they bay it would effectively take up the same space as a car.
Survey closes Monday 19 December 2022.
What happens next?
We will review the feedback and determine a preferred way forward. A report will be prepared for Council’s Traffic Committee. The Traffic Committee includes representatives from NSW Police, TfNSW, the State MPs, and a Waverley Councillor. The traffic committee will make a recommendation to Council. Councillors will then determine whether or not to implement the changes in your street.