
Barracluff Avenue, Bondi Beach — proposed traffic calming scheme

29 January 2021

Thank you for your feedback last year on the traffic calming options for Barracluff Avenue. After considering all feedback received, last year Council resolved to keep Barracluff Avenue open and hold a further community consultation period on an alternative option.

This alternative option has been informed by community feedback and includes 60-degree angle parking along the southern side of Barracluff Avenue as well as pedestrian refuges and kerb extensions with low-level plants.

(click on the image to enlarge)

Have your say

Please let us know whether you support this option or prefer to retain the existing traffic arrangement (even if you have previously made a submission on this) by Monday 22 February 2021.

You can provide your feedback in one of the following ways:

  • Complete the survey located at the survey tabs of this page.
  • posting to PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
  • handing it into Council’s Customer Service Centre, 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

Any questions?

Please contact Council's Senior Traffic Engineer on 9083 8644 or