
Blake Street, Dover Heights — further traffic calming proposals

29 July 2021

Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback on proposed traffic calming options in Blake Street, Dover Heights earlier this year.

The feedback we received from residents of Blake St and surrounding streets was that the one-way system was not supported. The installation of two speed cushions and passing bays were welcomed by the majority of the survey respondents. We are now reaching out to you again to understand your thoughts on other traffic schemes such as speed cushions and passing bays, or leaving the street as is.

Below are the proposed options:

Option 1: picture depicts a bird's eye view of Blake Street in Dover Heights. This option would have us insert no parking signs to create passing bays, there would be no parking across driveways permitted. The impacts of this are safer vehicle manoeuvring and safer pedestrian crossing.

Option 2: picture depicts a birds eye view of Blake Street in Dover Heights. This option would have us install two sets of rubber speed cushions. The impcats of this is a reducation of vehicle speed, safer pedestrian crossing, and the speed cushion might generate some noise.

Option 3: picture depicts a bird's eye view of Blake Street in Dover Heights. This option would have us chaning the priority control at the intersection of Blake Street and Gilbert Street. The impacts of this is a reduction of speed near the intersection.

Have your say

Let us know your preferred option by Monday 30 August 2021. Please note, only one response per household will be accepted. You can submit your feedback in the following ways:

  • Complete the survey located at the survey tabs of this page.
  • posting to PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355

Any questions?

Ask a question relating to this proposal and one of our Council officers will provide a response.

Please see the Questions tabs of this page.