
Draft documents adopted by Council - December 2022

24 January 2023

All feedback was reviewed and a report was taken to Council's Strategic Planning and Development Committee on 6 December. Read the meeting agenda and minutes.

At the meeting it was decided that Council:

1. Adopts the Tree Management Policy attached to the report (Attachment 1), subject to the following amendments:

(a) Page 47 of the agenda, clause 5.5.1, Pruning and Maintenance – Add the following paragraph at the end of the clause: ‘Council will consider tree pruning to retain a previously established view and there is a history of the identified tree(s) being pruned to restore pre-existing views.’

(b) Page 48 of the agenda – Add a new clause 5.6.4, Dead Trees, to read as follows: ‘Generally, where a tree has died, it will be removed and replaced with a tree of similar or suitable species.’

(c) Page 48 of the agenda, clause 5.7.2, Offset Planting – Amend to read as follows: ‘When permission is granted to remove a tree or trees on private land and there is insufficient planting space on site to accommodate a mature tree(s) of similar dimensions, the applicant will be asked to contribute to offset tree planting on public land in accordance with the Pricing Policy, Fees and Charges. Refer to the Tree Management Guidelines, Section 5 “Trees on Private Land”, sub-section “Offset tree planting” for further details.’

2. Adopts the Tree Management Guidelines attached to the report (Attachment 2), subject to the following amendments:

(a) Page 67 of the agenda, Exempt Vegetation – In the last paragraph, delete ‘DCP’ and add ‘Guideline’.

(b) Page 67 of the agenda, Exempt Vegetation – In the second dot point of the last paragraph, delete ‘5m’ and add ‘five (5) metres’.

(c) Page 67 of the agenda, Exempt Vegetation – In the last paragraph, amend the first dot point to read as follows: ‘Pruning of a hedge (refer to Definitions) by no more than 20 per cent of its height and width in any 12-month period.’

(d) Page 69 of the agenda, Offset Tree Planting – In the paragraph at the top of page, amend the second sentence to read as follows: ‘Generally, for every tree removed, the replacement of three (3) off-site trees will be required with pot size dependent on the canopy spread of the tree(s) to be removed as assessed by Council.’

(e) Page 69 of the agenda, Offset Tree Planting – In the paragraph at the top of the page, delete the last two sentences and add: ‘The applicant will be charged an offset planting fee that includes the purchase, supply, planting and a 12-month maintenance program for the tree(s) as per Council’s Pricing Policy, Fees and Charges.’

3. Publicly exhibits the following changes to the Pricing Policy, Fees and Charges for 28 days with officers preparing a report to Council following the exhibition period:

(b) Section 31, Trees – Add a new entry to read as follows: ‘Pensioner concession of 75% discount for Offset Tree Planting’.

(b) Section 31, Trees – Amend the ‘Offset Tree Planting’ entry to read as follows: ‘Offset Tree Planting Private Trees/Tree Permits, including purchase, supply, planting and a 12- month maintenance program’.

Read the adopted Tree Management Policy and Guidelines.