
99-117 Birrell Street Planning Proposal finalised

1 December 2022

This Planning Proposal was placed on public exhibition from 10 November 2021 - 19 January 2022. Following the exhibition period, the Proposal was reported to Council in April 2022. Council resolved not to support the Proposal and the minutes and Council resolution from the meeting were provided as a submission to the DPE who as the Local Plan Making Authority had the final say on the matter. The DPE ultimately finalised the Proposal on 18 October 2022 and amended the Waverley Local Environmental Plan (WLEP) as follows:

  • Alternative Building Heights of 15m and 21m
  • Alternative Floor Space Ratio of 1.2:1

The alternative building heights and floor space ratio will only be available on the site on the basis that:

  • Clause 6.9 Design Excellence in the Waverley Local Environmental Plan 2012 applies
  • 30% of the site when combined with the Campus Site is provided as deep soil areas
  • Affordable housing which amounts to 10% of any dwellings is provided as part of any redevelopment on the site
  • Any future development is provided to a high-performance building standard, to demonstrate best-practice sustainability by reducing water and energy usage on-site and minimising embodied carbon.

For further information on the post-exhibition assessment and finalisation undertaken by the DPE, you can read the DPE Finalisation Report.