Following each council election, it's our responsibility to review our Community Strategic Plan. This plan outlines the community's vision - your vision for us - and what our priorities over the next 11 years will be.
Council was required to adopt the new Community Strategic Plan by June 2018. We undertook an extensive consultation and engagement program to ensure the whole community had the opportunity to contribute.
The first phase of consultation kicked off in late-November last year when we asked you to share your vision for Waverley. The second phase encouraged detailed submissions based on Issues Papers.
The Community Engagement Report, prepared by the UTS Centre for Local Government, summarises the methodology used and provides analysis of the engagement findings. To view the report click here.
We took all of your feedback and drafted the new Community Strategic Plan 2018—2029, as well as the following Integrated Planning and Reporting documents:
- Delivery Program 2018-2021
- Operational Plan 2018-2019
- Proposed Pricing Policy, Fees and Charges 2018-19
- Long Term Financial Plan 2018-2029
- Strategic Asset Management Plan 2018-2029
- Environmental Action Plan 2018-2030
These documents were placed on public exhibition from 25 April to 24 May 2018.
Council considered community feedback received during the exhibition period and adopted the final documents on 19 June 2018.
To view the new Waverley Community Strategic Plan and associated documents visit our website.