REF Outcomes
The proposed upgrade works at Bronte Village and Bronte Park have the potential to result in some minor environmental impacts with respect to acid sulfate soils, heritage, traffic and access, noise and air quality, tree removal and management, visual impacts and waste storage and disposal. Notwithstanding, the safeguards and mitigation measures that are detailed in this Review of Environmental Factors will ameliorate or minimise these expected impacts. The proposal will also realise a number of positive impacts, including an improvement to the streetscape character and public domain amenity, improved legibility of the entry to Bronte Park, and improved pedestrian safety and amenity for the benefit of the wider community. On balance the proposal is considered justified.
The environmental impacts of the proposal are not likely to be significant and therefore it is not necessary for approval to be sought for the proposal under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. The proposal will not have a substantial impact on any matters of national environmental significance.
The REF also recommends a number of safeguards and mitigation measures which will be reflected in the construction documentation.
The REF was peer reviewed by external consultant LK Planning, along with all submissions received.
Peer Review of REF and Review of Submissions Received
The LK Planning Peer Review of the REF concluded:
Waverley Council can be satisfied that the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) meets its obligations under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and associated legislation. The documentation relied upon by Andrew Robinson Planning Services (ARPS) is thorough and the methodology of the assessment is robust and complete, as is the REF itself.
The project would benefit from a modest adjustment to the safeguards and mitigation measures identified in the REF and these are included in the Recommendations of this report.
The LK Planning Review of Submissions from the Public Consultation concluded that:
The consultation process attracted submissions from 50 people within the local resident and business community. The value of the consultation is inherently evident in this report, given the number and nature of the concerns raised.
Having considered the public submissions, it is my conclusion that if further analysis were undertaken it would not satisfy all of the varied opinions about this project. The REF is thorough and demonstrates that the project has planning merit. Some additional mitigation measures could be
explored to address some of the shared concerns and these form part of the recommendations of this report.
The recommended refinements include:
· Further mitigation measures relating to construction related impacts;
· Additional information in the relation to construction hours and communication of project milestones and anticipated disruption periods; and
· Amendment of the plans to remove the 'chicane' at the northern end of the pedestrian crossing.
A report outlining the assessment outcomes went to Council on Tuesday 2 April 2019 for determination on next steps. The report is available on Council’s website to view here: http://waverley.infocouncil.biz/Open/2019/04/PD_20190402_AGN_524_AT.PDF
Council is planning some much needed streetscape improvements to Bronte Beach Village Centre.
These works aim to significantly improve pedestrian safety and amenity and improve the activation of the commercial precinct of Bronte Beach, while creating an integrated public transport interchange with an expanded safe and accessible pedestrian link between Bronte Park and the commercial precinct. To improve pedestrian safety and amenity, the proposed upgrade works also seek to increase the width of the Bronte Road footpath by providing kerb extensions and improving the arrival experience and accessible link into the park to the north side.
The proposed works include:
Widen existing footpaths to increase pedestrian safety and movement
Raised pedestrian crossing to Bronte Road
Widen footpath to enhance bus interchange to cater for pedestrian circulation
Realignment of existing retaining wall to cater for bus swept paths and eliminate pedestrian conflict
New accessible path link to Bronte Park
Increased motorcycle parking and disabled parking spaces.
Extended seating plaza area with enhanced feature paving and pedestrian connectivity
Improved site link with new clean trunk palm tree plantings.
The design for this project has already been finalised. The design is based on feedback received from the community through the Bronte Plan of Management consultation in 2016/17. Council has since engaged Andrew Robinson Planning Services (ARPS) to undertake a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) on the project, which assesses the scope of the project against Clause 228 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (EP&A Regulation).
Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
Before the project progresses, you have the opportunity to provide feedback on the REF report. The REF is a technical report, compiled upon review and in conjunction with the completed design.
The REF can be viewed in the document library to your right, or can be viewed in hard copy from Council’s Customer Service Centre, 55 Spring St, Bondi Junction.
Submissions should be lodged via the form below, or emailed to info@waverley.nsw.gov.au.
In accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 all submissions received will be available for public viewing upon request.
Submissions close 5pm Friday 22 February.
Visit Council's website for more information about the project.