This consultation has concluded
Project updates
We're revitalising the Council Chambers building in Bondi to better serve our community. The internal refurbishment will create a welcoming civic hub with community meeting spaces and a customer service function.
Waverley Council Chambers is at the end of its life. Urgent repairs are needed to address asbestos, significant water leaks causing major internal damage, lack of accessibility, failed air-conditioning, poor insulation, and sustainability.
To avoid wasting ratepayers’ money on any further temporary fixes and to make the building better suited for the community we decided to create a sustainable Waverley asset. A refurbishment has been scheduled for several years and it has been budgeted for in the long-term financial plan.
Five options were considered for the building (three options for building refurbishment and two options for a full knock-down and rebuild). The option outlined below was decided to be the most feasible, sustainable and value for money option for ratepayers.
Project description
The new building will house more employees, reduce the cost of rented offices and increase our efficiency across the organisation.
The design is aiming for a high level of environmental sustainability and will reduce Council's carbon footprint, helping us reach our goal of net zero by 2030.

- Community meeting spaces – The foyer will double in height and provide space for informal meetings and displays, there will be the opportunity to hire meeting rooms in the publicly accessible spaces and the existing level 3 terrace will be expanded to better serve public events.
- Customer service function – In the Improved foyer space there will be a customer service function.
- New roof – The new roof will resolve ongoing water leaks. It will be replaced with new thermal insulation and improve environmental performance.
- Water reuse – Rainwater will be collected in an underground tank and recycled within the building and used for irrigation.
- Solar energy – On-site power generation reducing reliance on the power grid.
- Internal refurbishment – The internal refurbishment will remove dangerous asbestos, improve accessibility and replace inefficient and broken building services. It will increase staff capacity and help create a more efficient organisation.
- Forecourt improvement – The expanded, landscaped public forecourt will incorporate existing off-street parking with improved accessibility. Shade will be provided by native trees and low level planting in planter beds. There will be places to sit and rest and a defined shared zone for both pedestrians and vehicles.
- Improved frontage – The new frontage directly references coastal colours and textures of sandstone cliffs and shifting sand. There will be improved access into the building with informal meeting spaces, new open reception, stairs and a lift that provides direct access to the Council Chambers on Level 3.
- Bike parking – Increased bike parking and improved end-of-trip services for staff will encourage the use of active transport. There will be no removal of existing parking.
- Retaining Council Chambers coat of arms – The ceramic historically significant Coat of Arms will be retained in the new design.
The REF is an assessment used to determine whether an activity should be approved by taking into account all matters that affect or may affect the environment.
We asked the community to provide feedback on the REF and share ideas for the services and publicly accessible space in the new building. Feedback was collected from 6 April – 4 May 2022 via the following methods:
- Online survey (see below)
- Online information panel: 6–7pm, Thur 28 April
- Email:
- Face to Face: At one of our Have Your Say Days (see Key Dates)
- Mail: c/o General Manager, PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
Please note that all submissions will form part of Council’s public record and as such may be made publicly available. Your name and contact details will be kept confidential.
- Why an REF?
- Why does Waverley Council need a new Chambers Building?
- What are the risks of not refurbishing now?
- When will construction start?
- Where will the money come from?
- Are there any impacts to parking?
- How much is this going to cost?
- What is Chambers used for?
- Does this design change the footprint?