Thank you for participating in the community consultation for Gibson Street Reserve Playground. The design plans have been updated with consideration of your feedback. To view the amended upgrade plans, please view the document library to your right.
Council is planning to upgrade Gibson Street Reserve Playground. This project has been developed to improve the play experience within the park as identified in Waverley Council’s Play Space Strategy (PSS), and emerging site issues such as erosion.
The playground will remain as a Pocket Play Space catering to the community in the immediate area, and will be tailored to a younger age range.
The following actions from the Play Space Strategy (PSS) have been incorporated into the project scope:
- Develop this play space to include ‘exploratory / nature’ play spaces
- Provide a range of play experiences including active, imaginative, creative, social, quiet and free play
- Create play spaces that are memorable and include distinctive ways to experience play
Additional works will address erosion and scouring adjacent to the central pathway and boundary planting.
Have Your Say Day
Wednesday 14 December, 3.30-5pm
Gibson Street Reserve Playground (corner of Gibson and Brown Street, Waverley)
Come along and Have Your Say on Wednesday 14 December, from 3.30-5.00pm at Gibson Street Reserve Playground.
We're excited to hear your thoughts on what you would like to see in this playground.
Can't make it? Complete the survey below!