Community Consultation - Stage Two
In August 2023, the community provided feedback on the design direction of the Miller Street Upgrade proposal. This feedback was incorporated in the Miller Street Upgrade Consultation Report and endorsed by Council late last year. After completion of the detailed design, we are launching our second community consultation to progress the project. Council is offering two designs for the community to provide feedback on via the short online survey below.
The Stage Two Community Consultation closed on Monday 27 May 2024.
Project Description
We're proposing to upgrade Miller Street in Bondi to create a more amenable and safe space for all road users as well as a more inviting and vibrant streetscape for residents and the community to enjoy. Miller Street runs between Castlefield St and Imperial Ave, which both carry significant traffic between Bondi Rd and Edward St. It has some dilapidated assets along the length of the street, including damaged footpath and road which need to be upgraded so that the street can continue to meet community needs.
The concept designs offered to the community include:
- Improved kerb and footpath infrastructure
- Road asphalt resheeting
- Increased tree plantings and landscaping and removal of end-of-life poplars
- Installation of rain gardens to improve storm water drainage
- Improved pedestrian safety
- Upgraded crossing points as seen in two design options
- Increased parking
Miller Street Upgrade Design in Close Up
Design Option A and B
- Introduction of 13 new trees (Waverley Council Tree Masterplan) and removal of 3 end-of life poplars
- Net gain of 10 trees (Species: Tallowwood Eucalypt and Willow Myrtle)
- Net gain of on-street parking spots
- Renewal of damaged asphalt road
- New linemarking
- Midblock kerb and gutter reconstruction
- Introduction of rain garden cnr Castlefield Street and Miller Street as part of the kerb extensions
Design Option A
- Installation of planted kerb extensions at the Castlefield Street and Imperial Avenue intersections
Design Option B
- Installation of continuous footpath treatment with planted kerb extension at the intersection of Castelfield Street and installation of planted kerb extension at the intersection of Imperial Avenue.
Miller Street Upgrade Design Option A
Swipe up and down to see Before and After view of Option A - Kerb Extensions. Both designs aim to improve safety and amenity for all road users and introduce comfortable pedestrian crossing points. To view full design options, please refer to our Document Library.
Miller Street Upgrade Design Option B
Swipe up and down to see Before and After view of Option B - Continuous Footpath Treatment. Both designs aim to improve safety and amenity for all road users and introduce comfortable pedestrian crossing points. To view full design options, please refer to our Document Library.
Community Consultation Survey Questions
Project Update - December 2023
Council thanks everyone for their feedback on the Miller Street Upgrade project. The community consultation report has been presented to Council and is now public. Miller Street Upgrade Consultation Report
Council designers will now progress the project to concept design for further community consultation.
Community Consultation - Stage One
We're proposing to upgrade Miller Street in Bondi to create a more inviting and vibrant streetscape for residents and a safer play space for children and the whole community to enjoy.
Miller Street was identified through the Street Play Initiative as a key community play space for local children to walk, play and ride. Miller Street runs between Castlefield St and Imperial Ave, which both carry significant traffic between Bondi Rd and Edward St. It has some dilapidated assets along the length of the street and needs to be made a safer, more welcoming environment for residents so that the street can continue to evolve to meet community needs.
As part of the scope of this project, we are considering:
- Promoting pedestrian safety in the street
- Increasing tree plantings
- Creating a pocket park for community interaction
- Introducing traffic calming measures
How to Have Your Say
This Have Your Say page is your opportunity to make a difference to your street and get involved in the design process.
We are gathering feedback in a number of ways:
- Dream Big - Share your big ideas with us! Whatever you think will make Miller St a better place for the community, we want to hear it.
- Community Consultation Survey. We have a few ideas of our own. Fill in the survey and let us know what you think.
- Come chat with us in person about changes you'd like to see in Miller Street at our pop-up Have Your Say Day on Wednesday 26 July between 3:30-5:30pm. In the case of wet weather, we will be there the following week on Wednesday 2 August, 3:30-5:30pm.
The consultation submissions were opened on Monday 17 July and closed on Monday 14 August 2023. Thank you to everyone who submitted a response, this survey is now closed.
Dream Big - Share Your Ideas
This is your street and your neighbourhood. What improvements would you like to see happen in Miller Street so it feels like a welcoming space. Please share ideas, images or aspirations that you would like to see included in the streetscape design upgrade.
15 August, 2023
PhoebeHooke says:
Love being a part of Miller St community + have no current or future aspirations that I find appealing. So ridiculous to streetscape. No !
15 August, 2023
Gadigal_lance79 says:
Remove problem trees & replace with bird attracting species. Leave roads for road-users & let children use local parks #asphaltloversUNITED
15 August, 2023
Declan says:
As 19 yr apartment resident of Miller St, I whole-heartedly (as do majority living here and neighbours), oppose all upgrade. #asphaltlover
14 August, 2023
BillyMatthews says:
I'd love to see the combination of traffic calming and native gardens on miller street. It makes sense with the kindergarten right there.
14 August, 2023
Bee123 says:
If you want a space for your child to play, there are many parks nearby. Don't change what is already working well.
14 August, 2023
Bee123 says:
Fixing potholes/issues that are actually distressing is one thing, but there are no traffic issues so a cul-de-sac makes no sense.
14 August, 2023
Bee123 says:
I safely learnt to drive on this street because of how wide it is. People are really trying to change it when there are no major concerns.
14 August, 2023
Bee123 says:
FYI, if you want to make an alteration in the community space, maybe don't actively bully the opposition (e.g., "asphalt-lovers")
9 August, 2023
Hulbs says:
We are in desperate need of habitat trees and corridors for native wildlife. Please keep it in mind when planting!
8 August, 2023
PhillipOcchiuto says:
The overwhelming majority of people living in Miller Street are against any changes. All these ideas may be better suited for another Street
7 August, 2023
LocalLady says:
I'd love more gardens, I don't like angled parking it will attract more cars. I'd love a green space for hanging out with kids and others.
7 August, 2023
NicholasJames says:
So glad to see council investing in improving our neighbourhood.Miller St offers massive potential to make our pocket of Bondi extra special