Council is in receipt of a planning proposal, which has been lodged by Dover Heights Shule, seeking to amend Waverley Local Environmental Plan 2012 for Dover Heights Shule and Yeshiva Synagogue, Dover Heights, by:
- Increasing the maximum permissible height from 8.5 metres to 10.5 metres; and
- Increasing the floor space ratio (FSR) standard from 0.5:1 to 1.3:1.
The planning proposal and supporting documentation can be viewed in the Document Library on the right of the screen. To make a submission, please include the reference number ‘PP-2/2016’ and submit your feedback in the online form below by 5pm on Friday 19th January 2018.
Please note that the comments submitted will form part of Council’s public record and as such can be made available for public viewing on request.