Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback on the concept designs of the Bronte Surf Club and Community Facilities Upgrade. This page contains information about the first two phases of the consultation.

Bronte Surf Club and Community Facilities Upgrade Consultation Report 2020 | 2.2MB

Waverley Council is working with Bronte Surf Lifesaving Club (SLSC) to deliver a modern and sustainable new surf club and community facilities.

There are over 1,900 Bronte SLSC members, who, alongside Waverley Lifeguards and employees, use the Club as a hub for rescues, training, storing equipment and first aid.

The building is no longer fit for purpose and must be rebuilt to meet the needs of contemporary surf lifesaving and the community including:

  • Balance of female to male facilities
  • Compliance for family change rooms and accessible amenities
  • Fit for purpose lifeguard and lifesaving facilities including adequate storage and training space

The promenade and facility block next to the Club is also to be upgraded.

Project Updates

Survey - Bronte Surf Club

The Bronte Surf Club and Community Facilities survey has concluded.

Councillor feedback for Bronte Surf Club

What is your interest in this project? (choose as many apply) Required
We are as unique as our Bronte is beautiful. We all interact with the area differently. My most important activity at Bronte Beach is (choose all that apply) Required
How important is it to you that the building links to the beach, promenade, park, Coastal Walk and gully by seamlessly connecting the indoor and outdoor spaces?  Required
How important is it to you that the new building is sustainable, integrates and highlights the natural environment and uses durable materials? Required
How important is it to you that the building has fit-for-purpose lifesaving/lifeguard facilities, welcomes members and the community, is a place where people feel comfortable to seek help and celebrates the rich history of Bronte? Required

Connected to the environment 

The Bronte Identity 

Natural environment 

Community hub

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


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Previous Surveys and Registration

The Tell us your thoughts survey has concluded.

The Registration for consultation Bronte Beach SLSC facilities upgrade has concluded.

Registration has closed but you can still participate in the survey and consultation. This was to be kept updated. If you would like to be added to the mailing list please email with the subject: Add me to Bronte Surf Club mailing list.

Survey - Concept

Separating the buildings  Required
Definitely supportive
Somewhat supportive
Don't care
Not really supportive
Definitely not supportive
How supportive are you of separating the two buildings?
How supportive are you of the location chosen for the community facilities?
Timber and masonry Required
Definitely supportive
Somewhat supportive
Don't care
Not really supportive
Definitely not supportive
How supportive are you of the materials suggested?
A green roof Required
Definitely supportive
Somewhat supportive
Don't care
Not really supportive
Definitely not supportive
How supportive are you of our suggestion for a green roof?
The cubes Required
Definitely supportive
Somewhat supportive
Don't care
Not really supportive
Definitely not supportive
How supportive are you of our suggestion for the Cubes?
Statement 2
Do you like the plans for Bronte Surf Club? Required
Do you like the layout of the community facilities?  Required

Separating the buildings 

Bronte Surf Life Saving Club 

Materials - Timber and masonry

Green roof on the facilities building

The Cubes

Amenities in the community facilities 

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.