Waverley Council has been working with the community on the vision for MacPherson and St. Thomas Street Neighbourhood Centre in Bronte.
Thank you to all who were part of our consultation process in October and November 2012. Your input has been appreciated. We have collated the results of the consultation up until December 2012 and summarised them for you.
Your feedback has been really useful in helping to inform Council's planning documents, which outline our objectives for the future character of the area, and control future uses, types of development that can be built, and the bulk, scale and height of development.
An Information Report detailing the process so far was considered at Council's December 2012 meeting. Recommended changes to the planning controls were considered at Council's February 2013 meeting.
Submissions on the proposed planning controls and amendments to the Waverley LEP 2012 and Waverley DCP 2012 have now closed. The draft Plan went to Council on Tuesday 16 July for consideration. The outcomes are as follows:
- Council resolved to adopt the Planning Proposal to amend Waverley Local Environmental Plan 2012 (Amendment 1) Macpherson and St Thomas Streets, Bronte Neighbourhood Centre as exhibited in April 2013
- Council resolved to amend the draft Waverley Development Control Plan 2012 in response to community feedback, as outlined in the report.
The developer, Winston Langley Burlington, lodged a Planning Proposal for the Bronte RSL site on 11 June 2013. The Proposal requests amendments be made to the Waverley LEP 2012 to increase the height limit from 13m to 20m and the FSR from 1:1 to 2.1:1. Council has assessed the Proposal and resolved not to support it at the Council meeting on Tuesday 16 July 2013. The report can be found on Council's website.
A Development Application (DA) for the Bronte RSL site was lodged with Council on 7 March 2013. The DA was determined by the Joint Regional Planning Panel on 25 July 2013, where the Panel unanimously voted to refuse the application. This means that the developer will not be able to progress the proposal.
The developer does have the right to request a review of the decision, either through a process with Council or directly through the Land and Environment Court.
Below is number of useful information about the consultation process to date for the site:
- Read the report that went to Council in July 2013
- Read the fact sheet about Council's resolutions in July 2013
- Read the report that went to Council's Febuary 2013 meeting
- Read the fact sheet and media release about Council's recommendations in February 2013
- Read the Information Report (pages 195-209) and Attachments A, B, C and E that went to Council's December 2012 meeting
- Read our Community Consultation Report - December 2012
- Read our Urban Design Analysis of Bronte's MacPherson and St. Thomas Street Neighbourhood Centre
- Read our Bronte RSL Development - Traffic and Parking Peer Review
- Read our fact sheet about the project
- Read the results of the consultation done in October 2012
- View the presentations Council gave at the community workshop on 24 October 2012
- Reviewing the maps and associated documents
- Asking any questions you have about the project via email: bronteplanning@waverley.nsw.gov.au