With a shortage of burial space across NSW, Council investigated ways to ensure Waverley Cemetery would remain a final resting place option for community members in the decades ahead. Memorialisation walls with ash interment niches have already proven popular along the northern side of the cemetery and there is strong demand for more of these.
Council is building 20 memorialisation walls parallel to the existing sandstone wall of Quinn Road. Each wall will contain 36 ash interment niches that people can lease long-term from Council.
The memorialisation walls are envisaged to be bespoke in design and a reflection of the heritage significance of the Cemetery, consistent with the late Victorian and Federation era headstones, monuments and other infrastructure.
The project will also include the installation of new benches and minor landscaping.
Please join Council officers and representatives of landscape architecture firm TaylorBrammer to hear more about the project, ask questions and provide feedback.
10am - 12 midday
Wednesday 6 March
Corner of Quinn Road and Hargrave Avenue
Waverley Cemetery
Directions will be provided at the main cemetery entrance on St Thomas Street, Bronte.
Bookings not required. We look forward to seeing you there.
Council engaged landscape architecture firm TaylorBrammer to create concept design plans for the project. Please view the plans and feel free to provide your feedback by making a submission in the text box below or by sending an email to: majorprojects@waverley.nsw.gov.au by 10pm Sunday 17 March.
You must be logged in to your Have Your Say account to make a submission on this page. To login or sign up, please go to the top right corner of the Homepage.

Picture of the proposed memorialisation walls looking south-eastward - for illustrative purposes only

Picture of the proposed memorialisation walls looking due west - for illustrative purposes only
Waverley Cemetery, located on the clifftop between Bronte and Clovelly Beaches, was established in 1877 and is owned and operated by Waverley Council. It is one of three cemeteries in the Waverley area and sits on 40 acres of land with a stunning outlook onto the ocean.
The grounds of the cemetery are listed on the State Heritage Register under the NSW Heritage Act, 1977 (SHR No. 01975). Waverley Cemetery is the final resting place of many people who are significant to the development of NSW and Australia and continues to function as an active burial ground as well as a tourist attraction and place of recreation. Please visit the Waverley Cemetery website for further historical information.
We have limited land space available for future burials. The development of memorialisation walls with ash interment niches allows Waverley Cemetery to remain an end-of-life option for our local communities and the people who feel connected to this historical and important place. Ash niches have already proven popular along the northern side of the cemetery and we continue to get requests for these which we cannot meet. This new project will go a long way towards addressing that demand.
The design of the memorialisation walls, footpath material and adjacent
greenery will be based on the existing heritage
aesthetic of the cemetery.
Construction works at Waverley Cemetery are guided by the Waverley Cemetery Master Plan and the Waverley Cemetery Conservation Management Plan which can be found here.