Curlewis Street is an important community hub which marks the entrance to Bondi Beach and the Waverley area. This project aims to make the area safer for all road users, promote active transport and create a more inviting and vibrant space for the community to enjoy.

Proudly Funded by the NSW Government in association with Waverley Council

Curlewis St Streestscape Upgrade - Stage One Photo Update

Stage One is in the final stages and coming together beautifully. Look at some of our latest progress on the streetscape and bonus action shot of palms going in. Stage 2 is currently underway.

Key Features of the Upgrade

  • Establishing a new separated two-way bike path from Campbell Pde to Wellington St
  • Creating shared paths for pedestrians and bike riders at the western end of Curlewis St (from Old South Head Rd to Wellington St). These shared paths have been proposed based on the constraints and uses of the road environment.
  • Converting existing pedestrian crossings at Gould St and Wellington St into raised pedestrian crossings with a designated lane for bikes to cross
  • Creating an improved outdoor dining environment
  • Establishing new plantings and increasing the tree canopy by planting approximately 60 new trees
  • Installing new paving and signage
  • Replacing existing light poles with multifunction poles
  • Improving drainage and stormwater quality
  • Installing six new EV charging stations

Update - August 2024

We are happy to report that Stage One of the Curlewis St Streetscape Upgrade is nearing completion.

New paving and footpaths are being installed on Curlewis Street from Campbell Parade to Glenayr Avenue, including driveway and kerb reconstructions.

The existing pedestrian crossing at the Gould St intersection has been converted into a raised pedestrian crossing with a designated lane for bikes to cross, and two new continuous footpath treatments have been installed at the north and south end of the Gould Street intersection, facilitating pedestrian priority and walkability.

The bike path is in process of being laid and should be complete for this section of Curlewis St later this month. Drainage and stormwater upgrades are also currently being finalised.

Rain gardens and tree pits have been prepped and new trees and low-level plantings will be going in soon to complement sections of low-level plantings already installed. Existing timber light poles have been removed and are set to be replaced with new multifunction poles. Finally, the Stage One stretch of road is scheduled to be completely resheeted with new asphalt in coming weeks.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the community for their patience and understanding while works have been in progress.

Update - February 2024

Mack Civil, on behalf of Waverley Council, will be starting construction works for the Curlewis St Streetscape Upgrade on 4 March 2024.

To minimise impact to the community, works are scheduled in six major stages, as outlined below and on the Staging Plan.

Each stage will be divided into smaller sub-stages and these will be updated on HYS once approved. Please note that there will be some overlap between sub-stages to enable a smoother transition between construction activities.

Construction Stages
Active or completed stages are bolded

Stage 1 - Curlewis Street, both sides between Glenayr Avenue and Campbelle Parade. Stage 1 is divided into the following 6 substages.

Substage 1.1 - North side - Campbell Parade to 144 Curlewis Street
Substage 1.2 - South side - Campbell Parade to 135 Curlewis Street
Substage 1.3 - South side - 135 Curlewis Street to Glenayr Avenue
Substage 1.4 - North side - Glenayr Avenue – 122 Curlewis Street
Substage 1.5 - North side - 122 Curlewis Street – 140 Curlewis Street
Substage 1.6 - Glenayr Avenue - Campbell Parade (road resheeting, speed humps and crossings)

Stage 2 – Curlewis Street and Campbell Parade Intersection

Stage 3 – Curlewis Street and Glenayr Avenue Intersection

Stage 4 – Curlewis Street, northern side between Glenayr Avenue and Old South Head Road

Stage 5 – Curlewis Street, southern side between Glenayr Avenue and Wellington Street

Stage 6 – 140-142 Curlewis Street (works in front of current development)

General Order of Works to be undertaken:

Electrical works
Driveway, footpath, bike path, kerb & gutter reconstruction
Pedestrian crossings & new signage installation
Segmental paving & landscaping
Multipurpose poles & lighting
Road re-sheeting

All work is expected to be completed by the end of March 2025 (weather permitting). Standard working hours are 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday, and 8:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday (if required). Evening and night works will be required for certain activities (e.g. commercial driveways, signal works). Affected residents and businesses will be advised in advance when work falls outside of the standard hours.

To facilitate the various work activities, changed traffic and pedestrian conditions will apply. Motorists and pedestrians are asked to assist and comply with these changed conditions and any directions provided by Traffic Controllers employed for your safety.

We will prioritise maintaining access for pedestrians to properties and shop fronts during construction and encourage the community to continue to support local businesses throughout the construction period.

We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while works are in progress.

Curlewis St Streetscape Upgrade - Staging Plan

Update - October 2023

After careful consideration, Council will be postponing project commencement on the Curlewis St Streetscape Upgrade to March 2024 to minimise disruptions to businesses, residents and visitors over the summer months.

Further updates will be provided closer towards project commencement. We will work together with you to address your concerns and maintain business access where possible throughout the project.

Update - June 2023

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the REF exhibition. The submissions demonstrated overall support for the Curlewis St Streetscape Upgrade. Following review of all feedback, the REF has been finalised and Council's General Manager has approved moving forward with the Project.

We are currently in the process of procuring a contractor to undertake the construction works. Pending outcome of this process, we anticipate construction to commence in late August 2023.

Update - May 2023

The public exhibition of the REF closed on 2 May 2023. All feedback will be reviewed and the REF will go to Council's General Manager for determination on whether the project should proceed. If approval is granted, we are expecting construction to start in late 2023.

If you would like to stay updated as this project progresses, please press +Follow at the top of this page.

Review of Environmental Factors (REF) - feedback closed

In 2022 we conducted two rounds of community consultation on the design for this streetscape upgrade.

We are now seeking feedback on the REF which was developed by our consultants, Mecone. A REF is an assessment used to determine whether an activity should be approved by taking into account all matters that affect or may affect the environment.

Take a look at the REF and provide your feedback by 5pm, Tuesday 2 May 2023. The REF and appendices can be accessed using the links below.

How to have your say

Feedback closes at 5pm, Tuesday 2 May 2023.


Consultation round one

From 18 May - 15 June 2022 we collected feedback on a draft concept design for the upgrade of Curlewis Street.

In addition to presenting a concept design for the entire street, we presented two options at both the western Old South Head Road end, and the eastern Campbell Parade end, for the community's consideration. The recommended options at the western and eastern end were based on what the community has told us in the past, as documented in the Our Liveable Places Centres Strategy.

View the concept design options at the western and eastern ends.

Western end - Old South Head Rd intersection

A new shared path will connect Old South Head Rd to the new shared path and bike path on Curlewis St. Both options include a new raised pedestrian crossing at Simpson St, and continuation of the shared path east along Curlewis St. View the concept design options here.

Option 1: recommended design

This design removes the existing left turn slip lane from Old South Head Rd into Curlewis St, with the left turn movement still permitted, but controlled by the traffic signals. This creates additional public space at the corner which can be used for a wider shared path, additional parking and a raingarden.

Option 2: alternative design

This design retains the existing slip lane, allowing for a narrower shared path and smaller new turfing and landscaped areas. Pedestrians will still need to cross onto the traffic refuge in order to cross the street.

Eastern end - Campbell Pde intersection

A new separated two-way bike path will connect Curlewis St with Campbell Pde. Both options include new pedestrian crossings on Curlewis St west of Gould St, and on Gould St on the northern side of Curlewis St. View the concept design options here.

Option 1: recommended design

This design keeps the new bike path on the northern side of Curlewis St, crossing the pedestrian crossing near Gould St for a short distance at right angles.

Option 2: alternative design

This design sees the new bike path cross Curlewis St at the raised pedestrian crossing near Gould St. The bike path then continues towards Campbell Pde on the southern side of Curlewis St.

How feedback was collected

Feedback was collected via the following methods:

  • An online survey
  • Email: link)
  • Mail: c/o General Manager, PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
  • An online information session on Thursday 2 June, 6-7pm
  • An online information session for business owners on Monday 6 June, 4-5pm

Consultation round two

In May/June 2022 we asked for feedback on a draft concept design for this upgrade. The design at the western end of Curlewis Street was then updated at the western end of Curlewis Street (at the intersections with Old South Head Road and Simpson Street) to address feedback received during the initial consultation with regards to connectivity of the bike path and traffic flow.

From 21 November - 16 December 2022 we collected feedback on the updated design. Take a look at the key changes of the updated design, or review the updated concept design. All other aspects of the proposed upgrade were consulted on earlier this year.

How is the updated design different?

The updated design at the western end of Curlewis Street:

  • Removes the left hand turn into Simpson St (vehicles will still be able to turn left out of Simpson St)
  • Improves connectivity of the shared path as bikes and pedestrians will have a more direct route along Curlewis St
  • Allows room for two lanes of traffic travelling east from Old South Head Rd (one lane will continue onto Blair St and the other will continue onto Curlewis St)

There will be no net loss of parking on Simpson Street and no other vehicular movements will be impacted.

Map of updated design

Click image to view in full screen.

Map showing key features of the updated design at the western end of Curlewis Street

How feedback was collected

Feedback closed at 11.59pm, Friday 16 December 2022.

Existing layout vs updated design

Drag the slider left to right to compare the existing layout to the proposed layout described above.

Existing layout: Existing layout of Curlewis Street and Simpson Street intersection Proposed layout: Proposed changes to Curlewis street and Simpson Street intersection