Update June 2021: Council adopted this assessment (now called the Waverley Heritage Policy) at the 8 June Strategic Planning and Development Committee. The final policy, consultation summary and Council report and available to view here.

Waverley’s heritage buildings, streetscapes, landscapes and items are much loved by the community and contribute to the area’s highly prized character. These places have significant cultural value and help tell the story of Waverley’s history as one of the earliest municipalities in NSW.

Council has prepared a draft Heritage Assessment to demonstrate the value we place on heritage in all forms – built environment, landscapes and streetscapes. Once finalised, the Assessment will be used to inform Council decision-making with regards to Development Applications and Planning Proposals, and to make recommendations for the future of Waverley’s building and landscapes. It will also inform the comprehensive review of the LEP and DCP.

Assessment Outcomes

The Assessment aims to:

  • celebrate Waverley’s history and character
  • increase community awareness of the LGA’s heritage
  • protect and enhance character to ensure continuity between past, present and future
  • ensure that what is historically important is conserved for the enjoyment of future generations
  • maintain Waverley as an attractive place to be.

The Draft Assessment proposes the following additions to Schedule 5 of the Waverley Local Environment Plan, as summarised below (click on each for a summary):

The full inventory listing sheets for the proposed conservation areas are in Volume 2 below.

To view the Heritage Assessment in full please click below:

More information is available in the 'Document Library'.

Have Your Say

We want to hear your thoughts on the draft Assessment. To make a submission, please use the tools below.

We also accept submissions in writing. Please quote reference number A20/0261, and address any correspondence to:

The General Manager
Waverley Council
PO Box 9
Bondi Junction NSW 1355

Please note that all submissions will form part of Council’s public record and as such may be made publicly available.

More information

Please contact Council’s Strategic Planner (Heritage), Anne McGoverne on 9083 8117 or heritage@waverley.nsw.gov.au.

Which section of the draft Heritage Assessment are you providing feedback on? (select all that apply) Required
What is your interest in the Heritage Assessment? Required
Are you supportive of the recommendations of the Heritage Assessment? Required
Very unsupportive
Somewhat unsupportive
This isn't important to me
Somewhat supportive
Very supportive
Updated Schedule 5 of Waverley LEP
Research on how Aboriginal people connected to place with a focus on Waverley
Heritage Walks responding to Waverley stories uncovered
Adaptive Re-use Strategy – best practice for integrating old buildings with new work
An updated history of Waverley to complement the Dowd History of Waverley, extending the detailed history of Waverley from 1959 to the present
Ongoing promotion of Waverley’s heritage, including investigation of digital opportunities
Celebration / Education / Interpretation events as required
Have you read the draft Heritage Assessment (or the section you are providing feedback on)? Required
Would you be interested in receiving information and potentially being part of a temporary panel to review Heritage submissions? Required

Heritage Panel Expression of Interest

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Are you able to attend the scheduled meetings (approximately three meeting will be scheduled for weekdays in September and October)? Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.